For over 100 years, the Frantz Company has been supplying our customers -- both large and small -- with the highest quality sawdust available for use in their smoke houses or generators. We call our brand of products WundersmokeTM because of the exceptional flavoring and coloring they add to your meat, poultry and fish products.
Wood Chips

Wood Chips

Wood Products
Quality meat packers and smoker manufacturers will agree, "You can't beat natural smoke for great meat flavor." They recommend or use Frantz Hardwood chips and sawdust. They realize our hardwood chips help to eliminate smoking problems and produce a natural smoke having less tar, soot, or resins to spoil a product's taste. Frantz smoke produces more smoke per pound and will make your products consistently uniform and better tasting. It's so good, we call it "Wundersmoke"!Our sawdust and wood chips originate in the majestic northwoods of Wisconsin and Michigan and the picturesque forests of Tennessee. These areas provide the select raw materials necessary to produce our quality dry wood products. Green hardwoods like Hard Maple, Beech, Birch and Hickory are used exclusively because wood chips made from air-dried or kiln dired wood is often to fine and slivery for modern smoke generators. The debarked, green hardwood logs are "circular saw cut" producing larger, more uniform chips.
As the leader in the industry, Frantz Company utilizes an extensive quality control process. We dehydrate the select green hardwood raw material from an average of 35% moisture down to approximately 9 percent. Our unique screening systems, designed by Frantz Company engineers, screen and dedust the dried material to a uniform consistency. The final product is used exclusively by the meat packing industry to produce the finest quality meat and poultry products.